Thursday, April 28, 2011

quotes for a girlfriend

quotes for a girlfriend

quotes for a girlfriend quotes for a girlfriend quotes for a girlfriend

quotes for a girlfriend quotes for a girlfriend quotes for a girlfriend

I have often lamented that we cannot close our ears with as much ease as we can our eyes. ~Richard Steele

Don't smother each other. No one can grow in the shade. ~Leo Buscaglia

Let us say boldly, that if the total slum violations of law by the white man over the years were calculated and compared with the lawbreaking of a few days of riots, the hardened criminal would be the white man. ~Martin Luther King, Jr., The Trumpet of Conscience, 1968

By all means use sometimes to be alone. Salute thyself; see what thy soul doth wear. ~George Herbert

The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher. ~Elbert Hubbard

A mom reads you like a book, and wherever she goes, people read you like a glowing book review. ~Robert Brault,

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~Confucius

We're all born brave, trusting, and greedy, and most of us remain greedy. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Even if the open windows of science at first make us shiver after the cozy indoor warmth of traditional humanizing myths, in the end the fresh air brings vigor, and the great spaces have a splendor of their own. ~Bertrand Russell, What I Believe, 1925

Life is the hyphen between matter and spirit. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827

The house doesn't beat the player. It just gives him the opportunity to beat himself. ~Nick Dandalos

Truth will sooner come out of error than from confusion. ~Francis Bacon

Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal

He who doth not smoke hath either known no great griefs, or refuseth himself the softest consolation, next to that which comes from heaven. ~Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, What Will He Do With It?

Lap dancing's the ultimate nightmare of man - it's porn that can see you. ~Coupling, "Split," original airdate 23 September 2002, written by Steven Moffat, spoken by the character Steve

It's a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it's light out. ~Bill Watterson

I trade sweat for strength. I trade doubt for belief. I trade cheerleading for nothing. ~Author Unknown

It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen. ~George E. MacDonald

The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck

Witch and ghost make merry on this last of dear October�s days. ~Author Unknown

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