Thursday, April 28, 2011

amortization schedule for mortgage

amortization schedule for mortgage

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That was rough.... Thing to do now is try and forget it.... I guess I don't quite mean that. It's not a thing you can forget. Maybe not even a thing you want to forget.... Life's like that sometimes... Now and then for no good reason a man can figure out, life will just haul off and knock him flat, slam him agin' the ground so hard it seems like all his insides is busted. But it's not all like that. A lot of it's mighty fine, and you can't afford to waste the good part frettin' about the bad. That makes it all bad.... Sure, I know - sayin' it's one thing and feelin' it's another. But I'll tell you a trick that's sometimes a big help. When you start lookin' around for something good to take the place of the bad, as a general rule you can find it. ~From the movie Old Yeller

Johnny: "Well, basically, there was this little dot, right? And the dot went bang and the bang expanded. Energy formed into matter, matter cooled, matter lived, the amoeba to fish, to fish to fowl, to fowl to frog, to frog to mammal, the mammal to monkey, to monkey to man, amo amas amat, quid pro quo, memento mori, ad infinitum, sprinkle on a little bit of grated cheese and leave under the grill till Doomsday."

Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing. ~Warren Spahn

A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. ~Alexander Pope, in Swift, Miscellanies

Turn your wounds into wisdom. ~Oprah Winfrey

It's a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it's light out. ~Bill Watterson

A cat isn't fussy - just so long as you remember he likes his milk in the shallow, rose-patterned saucer and his fish on the blue plate. From which he will take it, and eat it off the floor. ~Arthur Bridges

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, make the Yuletide gay. ~Ralph Blane

Love thy neighbor, and if it requires that you bend your understanding of the truth, the Truth will understand. ~Robert Brault,

I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork. ~Peter De Vries

Your necklace may break, the fau tree may burst, but my tattooing is indestructible. It is an everlasting gem that you will take into your grave. ~Verse from a traditional tattoo artist's song, as quoted on, "Skin Stories: The Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo," 2003

If a man had as many ideas during the day as he does when he has insomnia, he'd make a fortune. ~Griff Niblack

If I'm losing balance in a pose, I stretch higher and God reaches down to steady me. It works every time, and not just in yoga. ~Terri Guillemets

Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got and fifty percent what people think you've got. ~Sophia Loren

Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. ~Author Unknown

Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance. ~Epicurus

I went to a general store but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific. ~Steven Wright

If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned. ~Saying

C:\COFFEE.POT missing (A)bort (R)etry (F)all asleep? ~Author Unknown

In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest. ~Henry Miller, The Books in My Life

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