Thursday, April 28, 2011

mike tyson quotes

mike tyson quotes

mike tyson quotes mike tyson quotes mike tyson quotes

mike tyson quotes mike tyson quotes mike tyson quotes

If you look at his portraits they always give you an indelible impression of his great height. So does his life. Height of purpose, height of ideal, height of character, height of intelligence. ~David Lloyd George

No less than the tourist, the writer of history profits from maps. ~Charles F. Mullett

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. ~George Scialabra

Be careful of your thoughts, they may become words at any moment. ~Iara Gassen

What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you. ~Author Unknown

In general, mankind, since the improvement in cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires. ~Benjamin Franklin

There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. ~Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith

Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again. ~Dorothy Day

Character is what emerges from all the little things you were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Ironically, making a statement with words is the least effective method. ~Grey Livingston

My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat. ~Leo Tolstoy

All she keeps inside isn't on the label. ~Fuel

I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and it isn't of much value. Life hasn't revealed its beauty to them. ~Boris Pasternak

Very few things happen at the right time, and the rest do not happen at all: the conscientious historian will correct these defects. ~Herodotus, The History of Herodotus

I will always remember my delight when Mrs. Georgia Gilmore - an unlettered woman of unusual intelligence - told how an operator demanded that she get off the bus after paying her fare and board it again by the back door, and then drove away before she could get there. She turned to Judge Carter and said: "When they count the money, they do not know Negro money from white money." ~Martin Luther King, Jr., March 1956

She had wandered, without rule or guidance, into a moral wilderness. Her intellect and heart had their home, as it were, in desert places, where she roamed as freely as the wild Indian in his woods. The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers - stern and wild ones - and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, Chapter XVIII "A Flood of Sunshine"

All of us encounter, at least once in our life, some individual who utters words that make us think forever. There are men whose phrases are oracles; who can condense in one sentence the secrets of life; who blurt out an aphorism that forms a character, or illustrates an existence. ~Benjamin Disraeli

It ain't like football. You can't make up no trick plays. ~Yogi Berra

There is a limit to how much you can change to be liked for who you really are. ~Robert Brault,

I live my daydreams in music. ~Albert Einstein

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